
This generates various measures poverty and inequality from a sample dataset.

The measures are mostly taken from chs. 4-6 of the World Banks' Handbook on Poverty and Inequality.

See the test case for worked examples


These routines can use both 2d arrays and dataframes as inputs For the arrays, supply with integers giving the columns holding weights and incomes; for the frames, the names of the columns (as symbols).

function makepoverty(
    rawdata                       :: Array{<:Real, 2},
    line                          :: Real,
    growth                        :: Real,
    weightpos                     :: Integer = 1,
    incomepos                     :: Integer = 2,
    foster_greer_thorndyke_alphas :: AbstractArray{<:Real, 1} = DEFAULT_FGT_ALPHAS ) :: OutputDict

function makepoverty(
    line                          :: Real,
    growth                        :: Real,
    weightcol                     :: Symbol,
    incomecol                     :: Symbol,
    foster_greer_thorndyke_alphas :: AbstractArray{<:Real, 1} = DEFAULT_FGT_ALPHAS,
     ) :: OutputDict    


  • rawdata - each row is an observation; one col should be a weight, another is income;

positions assumed to be 1 and 2 unless weight and incomepos are supplied (or names as symbols for the frame version)

  • the dataframe version can use anything that supports the Queryverse iterable table interface;
  • line - a poverty line. This is the same for for all observations, the income measure needs to be equivalised if the line differs by family size, etc.;
  • foster_greer_thorndyke_alphas - coefficients for Foster-Greer Thorndyke poverty measures (see World Bank, ch. 4); note that FGT(0)

corresponds to the headcount measure and FGT(1) to poverty gap; count and gap are computed directly anyway but it's worth checking one against the other;

  • growth is (e.g.) 0.01 for 1% per period, and is used for 'time to exit' measure.

Output is dictionary with an entry for each measure.


Usage is similar to makepoverty above. See chs 5 and 6 of the World Bank book, and the test case for more detail.


function makeinequality(
    rawdata                    :: Array{<:Real, 2 },
    weightpos                  :: Integer = 1,
    incomepos                  :: Integer = 2,
    atkinson_es                :: AbstractArray{<:Real, 1} = DEFAULT_ATKINSON_ES,
    generalised_entropy_alphas :: AbstractArray{<:Real, 1} = DEFAULT_ENTROPIES ) :: OutputDict

function makeinequality(
    weightcol                  :: Symbol,
    incomecol                  :: Symbol,
    atkinson_es                :: AbstractArray{<:Real, 1} = DEFAULT_ATKINSON_ES,
    generalised_entropy_alphas :: AbstractArray{<:Real, 1} = DEFAULT_ENTROPIES ) :: OutputDict


  • rawdata a matrix with cols with weights and incomes;
  • atkinson_es inequality aversion values for the Atkinson indexes;
  • generalised_entropy_alphas vaues for Theil entropy measure;
  • weightpos - column with weights
  • incomepos - column with incomes

Return is a also a Dict of inequality measures.

There's also a method:

function adddecomposedtheil( popindic :: OutputDict, subindices :: OutputDictArray ) :: OutputDict

which takes an array of output dicts, broken down by (e.g.) Regions, Genders, etc. and produces a Theil index decomposition from them.

There's also a small binify routine which chops a dataset up into chunks of cumulative income and population suitable for drawing Lorenz Curves.


Make a wee dict with :theilbetween and :theilwithin See WB eqns 6.7/6.8. TODO

  1. there are some papers on decomposing Atkinson, but I

don't understand them ..

  1. the over time 3-part version

popindic : Inequal for the population as a whole subindices : an array of dics, one for each subgroup of interest


Chop a dataset with populations and incomes into numbins groups in a form suitable for e.g. a Gini curve.

  • col1 is cumulative population,
  • 2 cumulative income/whatever,
  • 3 threshold income level.

Make a dictionary of inequality measures. This is mainly taken from chs 5 and 6 of the World Bank book.

  1. rawdata a matrix with cols with weights and incomes
  2. atkinson_es inequality aversion values for the Atkinson indexes
  3. generalised_entropy_alphas
  4. weightpos - column with weights
  5. incomepos - column with incomes

As above, but using the QueryVerse IterableTables interface rawdata - basically anything resembling a dataframe; see: [https://github.com/queryverse/IterableTables.jl] throws an exception if rawdata doesn't support iterabletable interface


Create a dictionary of poverty measures.

This is based on the World Bank's Poverty Handbook by Haughton and Khandker.


  • rawdata - an nxm array of real nunbers; each row is an observation; one col should be a weight, another is income; positions assumed to be 1 and 2 unless weight and incomepos are supplied
  • line - a poverty line, assumed same for all obs (so income is assumed to be already equivalised)
  • foster_greer_thorndyke_alphas - coefficients for FGT poverty measures; note that FGT(0) corresponds to headcount and FGT(1) to gap; count and gap are computed directly anyway but it's worth checking one against the other.
  • growth is (e.g.) 0.01 for 1% per period, and is used for 'time to exit' measure.

Make a dictionary of inequality measures. This is mainly taken from chs 5 and 6 of the World Bank book.

  1. rawdata a matrix with cols with weights and incomes
  2. atkinson_es inequality aversion values for the Atkinson indexes
  3. generalised_entropy_alphas
  4. weightpos - column with weights
  5. incomepos - column with incomes


Cobham Alex, and Sumner Andy. “Is Inequality All about the Tails?: The Palma Measure of Income Inequality.” Significance 11, no. 1 (February 19, 2014): 10–13. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1740-9713.2014.00718.x.

Haughton, Jonathan, and Shahidur R. Khandker. ‘Handbook on Poverty and Inequality’. The World Bank, 27 March 2009. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/488081468157174849/Handbook-on-poverty-and-inequality.

Preston, Ian. ‘Inequality and Income Gaps’. IFS Working Paper. Institute for Fiscal Studies, 5 December 2006. https://econpapers.repec.org/paper/ifsifsewp/06_2f25.htm.

Reed, Howard, and Graham Stark. ‘Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan - Forecasting Child Poverty in Scotland’. Scottish Government, 9 March 2018. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/03/2911/0.